About Us

Medical Insurance is complicated… and when it comes to Medicare, and Medicare Coverage, and all the different Medicare parts, it gets downright confusing.

Trying to understand the important parts of Medicare causes many people to pull their hair out!

If you need the latest news and information about maximizing your Medicare coverage, and reducing your premiums, then you’re in the right spot.

FYIMedicare.com is your one stop resource for Medicare and related information and news.

Consider this, your Medicare insurance premiums are taken from your Social Security checks. And Social Security is its own mine field of questions, issues, and problems.

For example… When do you take your Social Security payments? What about a spouses Social Security? Should you delay, suspend, or start right away? How does delaying or accelerating your Social Security impact your Medicare coverage?

On top of Medicare and Social Security you have your health and financial well being to think about.

What should you do about everyday aches and pains. What should you do if you sprain your back or twist your knee. How do you treat or minimize the risk of more serious issues like diabetes, heart disease, or arthritis?

What is you have Sleep troubles, COPD, Kidney Disease, or sleep apnea. What if you need a colonoscopy or help with a tobacco addiction, or weight loss.

The key to answering many of these questions comes down to knowledge.

Keep in mind the solutions to these problems changes with time… what works for a 20 year old may be impractical for a 40 or 60 year old.

Knowing cutting edge treatments, and homeopathic ways to help treat and cure your every day health issues is vital to your overall well being… and By knowing the important facts you can make the best choices!

But which treatments are a fad… or dangerous? Which ones work, and which ones are a shot in the dark?

What’s new, what’s different? What should you focus on, and what should you ignore?

The answer to that is simple…

Subscribe to our free e-letter, FYIMedicare.com and we’ll work to uncover all the secrets to Medicare, Social Security, as well as your health, happiness and financial well being!

Written by experts, all we do is research and write about Medicare, social security, health, wellness and financial issues.

And the best part is, it’s always 100% free! Never be in the dark again!